Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture is here and is in full bloom during this year’s early harvest. Precision agriculture is a predictive examination that is used to make smarter decisions. Precision agriculture is the gathering of information, the examination of information, drawing assumptions from the analysis, allocating a value to those conclusions and then, applying an action base on the value of the conclusions. All of the following examples optimize planting and harvesting.

There are crop production monitoring reports that show the nutrients in the soil where the crop is growing. This can tell a farmer if and when they need to adjust their fertilizer inputs to meet the needs of the crops.


There is also sensors called soil moisture monitoring. Water obviously plays a huge role in crop production. These sensors helps a farmer observe each irrigation even and whatever else happens in between. As the curve begins to flatten out, the farmer knows the crop is working tougher to remove more water. “Data is automatically collected and transmitted several times daily via wireless remote.”


                                                                                             Auto Steer and GPS Guidance

Yes tractors have auto steer and GPS guidance systems! It makes planting and harvesting a whole lot easier when you do not even have to drive the tractor. That way the farmer can focus on the heavy implements behind them and in front of them and instead of where they are going. There is also less down time when you are using GPS and auto steer. For an example, “foam markers on sprayers and planters can cost precious hours in the field when not operating correctly. GPS and auto steer can eliminate these things. In this video the tractor is literally driving itself.

There are many more technologies in precision agriculture that I did not have time to bring up. Here are some even more examples of precision agriculture technologies, the list is unlimited. By 2050, it’s expected that the world’s population will reach 9.2 billion people, 34 percent higher than today. Much of this growth will happen in developing countries like Brazil, which has the largest area in the world with arable land for agriculture. To keep up with rising populations and income growth, global food production must increase by 70 percent in order to be able to feed the world. So the question is “do you think precision agriculture can help optimize planting and harvesting this drastically? Is there anything else you think we could do?”

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3


1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how farming technology continues to evolve but, I believe unfortunately, that a huge breakthrough in the way we grow crops will need to happen in the future if we are to meet all of humanities needs. A type of breakthrough infrastructure technology if you will. http://www.visioninconsciousness.org/Environment_07.htm Something like this may seem a little far fetched but, I feel like these concepts just go to show you how innovative we might have to think to solve this very serious problem.
